My First Game Inspired by Deadpool: Is 2.4k Visits in 2 Months Good?

Hey everyone,
Game link: Deadpools Battle Ground [New Fight Animations] - Roblox

I’ve always been a huge fan of Deadpool, so I decided to create a battleground-style game inspired by him. It’s my first game, and I poured some time [watching tutorials ] and effort into making it something fun and engaging. Two months ago, I finally posted it, and since then, it’s gotten around 2.4k visits.

As someone new to game development, I’m not sure if that’s a good number or not. Should I be happy with it, or does it mean I need to work harder on promotion or improving the game?

Also, I’ve been wondering—how much does the title of a game impact the number of visits? I tried to come up with something catchy, but maybe it could’ve been better. Any tips on how to create a title that grabs attention without being clickbaity?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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I just need to know before trying: are there jokes?


if you are referring to Deadpool’s signature humor and personality , well…no

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If you did sponsoring: It depends on the amount.

If you did no sponsoring: that’s really good.

Also I do wanna throw out there that Deadpool is owned by marvel. You can still make the game, but if someone reports it or marvels sees it, your game gone. I recommend trying to make it a parody (similar, but no too similar.) probably should Google parody laws.

I’m just saying that cause you seem really into the game and I don’t want you to wake up and see it gone.

Thank you for your response!
No, I did not sponsor it.
I’ll look into parody laws and work on ensuring my game complies with those regulations.

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you should probably get some of deadpool’s 4th wall breaking into the game to make it more authentic and deadpool-like


Thankyou , I will Look into it