My first Roblox Showcase

Hello Im Blood007lol and i make my first Showcase.

or you can play the game on roblox → The Life (Showcase) - Roblox

and i this is a test game.
I just make a game after i watch a tutorial on how to make a Roblox Showcase


Its a nice start, and you could make some pretty good lighting, but I can’t say its too great.
-One problem is it’s too empty. There are only two trees, which just isn’t enough. Ill put a link to a great little forest pack model at the bottom of the post, you should try it.
-Another problem is that the only terrain material you used is grass. You should try to add more materials, like:

Mud patches on the ground,
And stone on the sides of hills (This isn’t too realistic though, so if that’s what you’re going for try a different material.
Lastly, you gotta add more details, like hills and rivers would make it look much nicer.
Fix these problems, and you’ll probably get a pretty nice showcase!


its pretty good for a first showcase!

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Yeah thanks for the reply! And thanks you for the advices