My First Scene GFX

Hey, Developers!

I have just made some of my first ever scene GFX’s on Blender and I am looking for some constructive feedback.


All I can say is Great job!
The graphic and material design is amazing, but what about the shadows?
I Think the shadows will add a bit of more texture into the gfx :wink:


In the first scene the word “resort” looks 3D and pops out while “Spa” looks flat compared to it, though it might just be the angle. Consider looking into this!

Other than that Good Job!

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Thanks, yeah it is the angle.

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Both intentional lol. I am going to add rigs laster on when I master the scene side rather then the avatars.

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The posing is something that definitely needs improving upon, I always tell people try at all costs to not leave out bend between the the shoulders and the lower arms and the upper and lower legs if you dont it definitely hinders the quality and makes it way less life like so next time try to utilise the rig more.

Also could you tell me how you do your lighting it seems pretty advanced especially for first time you can also just link the tutorial.


I just added a sun, hdri and lights lol.

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Huh did you do the scene all as one model or separate things like the sign

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