My Friends Obby is Extremely Laggy, How do We Fix it?

My friend created an obby and it’s very laggy. There are only 3,600 parts but the game still seems extremely laggy. How can we fix this lag?
[Video of Lag]
robloxapp-20201010-2125308.wmv (622.6 KB)
My friend and I are both dead however I never respawn and he is always moving.
What is causing all this lag!?!?!

Game Link: [Free Admin] Crash Tower - Roblox

Extra Info: We are using old fashioned Roblox blocks with the studs on them. The game gets laggier over time.

Removed some free models and it fixed the lag, thank you all!

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Try making sure parts are anchored. It could be your computer. Check if textures are making it lag or try turning down your graphics quality. Can you link the game?

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I can’t go in the game right now. But try the stuff I said.

It could just be that Adopt me is lagging all of Roblox today.

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Make sure you didn’t use any free models that had a virus in it. Those cause a lot of lag. Make sure all parts are anchored like what @abnerbro said


I agree with @Dolphin_Worm. Make sure your free models don’t have virus’ (if you used free models).

Try running a scan with this plugin, it might help.