My game is being hacked with backdoors but ive found their gui scripts

So my game is being hacked and shutting down all of my games. I don’t know what to do. Ive found bought their script to decode it and most of the things are:

local Remote = script.Parent.RemoteEvent

Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, name)



Whta can I do to prevent these from running? I really need help.

Try searching using CTRL+SHIFT+F requires that are found in the workspace, if there’s none, I believe that’s from a plugin

That’s the problem. I already did that. They are using as executors. I’m thinking of just deleting the game and make it again.

If you have used anything from the toolbox, search all of the scripts of everything you’ve taken from the toolbox for “require”, if it finds something, delete the scripts.

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try printing a parent’s name and tell the result of it

I found this? I dont remember adding this. I have team create: require(5114417899).load()

After looking through the code of that module, it is obfuscated, so it’s probably a virus. Try deleting it.

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Yeah I deleted it. I’ll test the game and see if it happens again