My game randomly freezing when servers have 50 or more players?

I went into one of my games with around 65 players at the time, the problem I found was that during parts of the game it had these “lag spikes” it was not something constant it was a normal running server and then it freezes for everyone, all I could find in script activity was a script that had a 1.49% activity, but I really doubt that would cause the freezing the script did have these (Not connected parts) on the blue line indicating activity every time the server froze

I also thought about it possibly being the server itself and my question is, could a certain player be the server host and if that player had bad internet (Possibly me) could the whole server be affected?

I’d really appreciate any help or feedback you can give me! :slight_smile:

Did you ask the other players if they were freezing as well, or was it only you?
How many Parts in the game and how spread out are the playing area and players?
Is this something that has just started happening recently or has it been since you originally started running the game.

Hi Scott Yes many of the players started saying LAG in chat every time they had a spike, The parts in the game are around 10k parts, the server does not really lag constantly though it’s like this random SPIKE that’s why I just don’t see how it can be lag high amount of parts in a certain area

When the game is with few players I have barely seen it happen

What is the game?
What is going on during the time this spike happens (are all 50ish players fighting, sitting, moving etc.)?

Think about this from the point of view of anyone reading this post. We have absolutely no clue other than what you type (please learn punctuation) about what is happening so the more information you give the easier it is for us to help.

If one player is lagging and they are all welded to a moving platform then that could be a serious issue.