My GFX improvement?

Hey all, I would like to share my GFX improvement with you, I’ll showcase my GFX’s below
(do not attempt to steal them, I can prove owner rights are mine easily, if you download them, don’t use them for anything without asking permission)

This is where I started:

I really don’t even like those anymore, they’re so bad quality that I’m cringing whenever I realize it was my creation, lol.

At my 3rd GFX I started using backgrounds, (green smoke background isn’t owned by me, I have permission to use it when I don’t claim it as my own)

Oh yes, in this GFX I had 2 phases, in the second I learned a minor bit of GIMP and Paint .net

This is where my work is starting to get better (I’m gonna skip a bit on the timeline to a more recent GFX)

Here I did my own background, got myself a park built, turned camera towards the sun, just screenshot, placed the render on top, increased the sun brightness in GIMP and was done.

And yes, recently I tried messing around with some more lighting (so there are no really cool backgrounds) But I really like and enjoy it:

I hope you like my GFX progress :slight_smile: feel free to leave reviews/feedback below if any, also if you have any questions about my creations or about the creation process, feel free to ask below :slight_smile:
And at last, should I make a post with a tutorial on how to make cool GFX?

  • Make a GFX tutorial post
  • Don’t make a GFX tutorial post

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Thank you for reading!


The last 2 are very cute! I suggest adding some overlays like smoke or dust particles to those to add more detail. Overall, your progress is stunning!

Thanks for the feedback :smile: I appreciate it

I suggest you put watermarks as anyone can download them and put their own watermark, some people will copyright the Images


I can just say its mine and delete the original file, people would believe me cause I have a watermark on it

not stealing it just an example

but srsly great work


But you know that doing so, for something like that of a watermark, will disturb players’ first impression when they look at it though.

But yes, I would definitely go for adding watermark, but add it at a side of the gfx

the artist should remove the watermark after its been purchased by the client, as I was just giving a example of what could happen I’m not gonna use. just an example.

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Sign Your Work!!!
If you don’t, anyone can steal it and claim it as theirs! At least sign it in white on the left side so thieves can’t just crop it off without cropping off the left arm. You can also put a 10% opacity watermark of your username or a social media @ on it over the center of the gfx so people can’t easily get rid of it.

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Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: I’ll add a watermark I guess :slight_smile:

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Alright, thanks for the idea of a watermark at the side :smile:


try having more than 1 lightsource I also prefer using Area light in Blender.

There should be a “cool” lightsource on the part where shadows are supposed to be and a warm lightsource where the main light is coming from.

I’m still trying to figure how area lighting works, so didn’t really use it for my GFX’s yet, but thanks for the tip