My Knock-off Microsoft HQ for my game-in-progress

Hey everyone! This is my first post on Dev Forums! (Super excited for the feedback! :grin:) Basically I’m working on one of many buildings for my game that I’m currently working on, and this is my version of Microsoft, only it’s Bloxysoft (haha, I’m so funny…)

(Sorry if the angles aren’t helpful :grimacing:)
Anyways this is just the rough draft of it, I’m going to add detailed interior to it later on, as well as a large campus (because it’s Microsoft) with plenty of scenery and stuff like that. Again, this is just a rough draft, and please give any feedback, positive or negative!
Also, please join my group on Roblox (Gameatron Studios), and then join our Discord group as well, that way you can get more in-depth announcements as well as nice screenshots! Gameatron Studios - Roblox
Thanks, and God bless.


Super cool! I love the implementation of the studio logo :slight_smile:


Thanks! Yeah I thought since I’m implementing Roblox into the name of the company, I might as well add the logo to the company logo. Thanks for the feedback! :smile:

Nice build, as well as very interesting, i do believe the Skyscraper itself could use a bit more detailing, though i will say that the “Bloxysoft Sign” is completely perfect and would need no changing whatsoever!

God Bless, Have a great rest of your day!


Okay, great to know! I’ll make sure to change it up and then post some new screenshots. Thanks! And God bless :grin:

That’s so cool nice!! But yeah, thanks for reading this. Have a nice day!

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Great But Is Not Microsoft Is Bloxosoft

Yeah I know, but I was making a “Roblox Friendly” (if you will) version of Microsoft (that way Microsoft doesn’t get upset I’m using there trademarks), but instead it’s called Bloxysoft, my own Microsoft for my game.

Welp, so much for the Bloxysoft logo…
At least it will be nostalgic in the future (more like a couple of years, but still), and it’ll keep intact a piece of Roblox’s past that’ll probably be forgotten in the near future. Anyways, God Bless, have a great day!

yeah, that logo looks like trash. Roblox should change it back.