My npc that follows you is broken

if anyone is willing to help me out ty bc im not sure what is the main cause of an npc not even moving.

One silly mistake I’ve made is the NPC will attempt to follow itself sometimes. Maybe that’s the case with your script?

possibly yeah but I dont know exactly. Though that could be the main problem.

also if anyone else wanna help out I will appreciate it.

sending this message 2nd time, sorry if this annoys you.

Sending this third time. I just want to get this problem over with so I can keep working on other features.

sending this the fourth time. it’s been over a month now.

Perhaps this is the issue? Is your character R6?

Sorry its been too long but yes the character is r6

MFW ChatGPT response
Use Humanoid:MoveTo() for moving the npc closer

The NPC is still stuck
heres my script so far

local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid

while wait() do
	local closestDist = math.huge
	local closestHumanoid = nil

	for _, child in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
		if child:IsA('Model') and child:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and child.Humanoid ~= humanoid and child.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
			local dist = (script.Parent.Torso.Position - child.Torso.Position).magnitude
			if dist < closestDist and dist < 30 then
				closestDist = dist
				closestHumanoid = child.Humanoid

	if closestHumanoid then
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 20
			humanoid.Jump = true
		if humanoid then
			script.Parent.HealArea.Script.Enabled = true
		humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0

Something or some part of the script might be breaking the movement of it. Recall that it is unanchored as well.

I also tried on the new game with the exact model and it worked but not on the game im working on