My parts in a folder wont tween all together

Hello so for some reason the parts in my folder wont all tween together they basically take turns tweening. I can’t wrap my head around why this could be happening.

I think it has something to do with the way I am calling the children in the folder but I’m not fully sure.

If you know what the issue might be let me know.

this is the script that makes them move

this is the folder with the two plants i need to tween together

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It’s because the waits stop the script between each tween. You need the wrap everything inside the loop either this:



Also use task.wait

It’s because you’re using wait(), I suggest using spawn(function() then creating the function per item. Then they should all work at the same time without yielding the in pairs loop

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i see could you how me an example?

I edited my original reply to tell you how to do it

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perfect! I will try it out and see how it works

thank you! this works perfectly

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