hm in this case try locking rotation on both x and z axis by setting the
bodygyro.MaxForce(1, 0, 1) * 100000 and setting the cframe to Cframe.angles (0, 0, 0)
From my understanding, the ship is spinning around the y axis uncontrollably. the y axis is what should control the steer of the ship and if you don’t have anything controlling the steer then try locking that rotation too (bodyGyro.MaxTorque = CFrame.Angles(1, 1, 1) * 10000)
do you have anything steering the ship atm? if so then make sure that the maxtorque high enough to keep the ship in check other than it not being a body gyro problem check if its something with roblox physics and the terrain water
It actually was the shape of the ship, i made the base massless, and i made a box, with the same size and position, i welded it to the ship, transferred all the scripts and items from the base to the box, and it now does not turn by itself