My ship keeps turning by itself

I have been trying to make a ship, but for some reason it keeps turning by itself, does anyone know how i can fix it?

I am using BodyGyro to keep it from turning over and BodyForce for movement.

(After i watched the video, i will surely never use the built in recorder again)

did you script the body force and gyro? if you did, could you show it

The body force just adds a force forward or backwards

script.Parent.BodyForce.Force =, 0, speed.Value*1000) * script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector

The body gyro is set to: 3, 0, 3

try disabling the body gyro and see if it still happens. if it doesn’t, then its probably due to the body gyros properties

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It still happens, also the ship almost turned upside down

hm in this case try locking rotation on both x and z axis by setting the
bodygyro.MaxForce(1, 0, 1) * 100000 and setting the cframe to Cframe.angles (0, 0, 0)

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BodyGyro has MaxTorque not MaxForce, It still does it

From my understanding, the ship is spinning around the y axis uncontrollably. the y axis is what should control the steer of the ship and if you don’t have anything controlling the steer then try locking that rotation too (bodyGyro.MaxTorque = CFrame.Angles(1, 1, 1) * 10000)

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But i want to be able and steer the ship, if i lock the y axis i will not be able to do that

do you have anything steering the ship atm? if so then make sure that the maxtorque high enough to keep the ship in check other than it not being a body gyro problem check if its something with roblox physics and the terrain water

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It actually was the shape of the ship, i made the base massless, and i made a box, with the same size and position, i welded it to the ship, transferred all the scripts and items from the base to the box, and it now does not turn by itself

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