I’ve Been Working On This, And I’m Just Looking For Some Feedback
It looks good but you should add more detail. It’s looking kind of plain right now. Good job though
Thank You For The Kind Words! At The Same Time I’m Thinking What Should I Add To Make It Non - Blank, I Would Like Some Suggestion.
Its lacking details and it looks very simple, I would change the water because it is literally coming from nothing, the trees look really simple, I personally would change the sizes of the trees and different shapes of the leaves. You could also make the island larger to add a little pond where the water could potentially be coming from, or a house. Good job.
It’s good for a start add some more detail
I Want To Make It Like No Texture, Thanks For The Reply Hope Fully I’ll Make It Better!
I think a small sort of hut would look really good there. Since you’re going for a cartoony style by the looks of it, just search up “Low poly cartoon houses” for inspiration or use your imagination to make a building. Other than that, looks good!
Reeaallllyyyy needs textures. Also where is the water source?
Nice sky block though
square. old roblox. make in blender, because you can mesh it to be more realistic detailed low poly! but its good for a beginner (assuming you are one)
next time, try to add more detail!
Thanks For The Kinds Words I Really Appreciate That, Currently Working On It
Yes, I Recently Left Scripting Because I Kept Forgetting Them I’m New To Building Stuff And Seems Like I Would Be Better At It Soon. I’ve Tried Blender But I Can’t Use It As I Have Windows 7. Thanks For The Kinds Word
I think there should be more detail, and I’m unsure if the water goes onto something which is why it goes forward. Also, I think you should make the colours less vibrant not too overpowering. Other than that, it looks cool.
You could add more plants, rocks, etc. It would be even better if you could add natural objects that do things, for example a mushroom that bounces the player.
My Small Island [ Updated ]
Hey Everyone! Thanks For Ever Creative Idea I Got From You Guys! I Really Appreciate That, I’ve Made Improvement And Here It Is!
The Above Picture Is The Old One, Here’s The New One
Many Of You Guys Recommended To Add A House Or Hut So, I’ve Made One Even A Water Source.
@Osrock_626 I’m Sorry But I’m Not Really Thinking To Add Textures As It Would Make The Game Laggy, I Want People To Have A Better Experience At My Game, This Is A Cartoony Design As @ItzNinjakitty Mentioned. But If You Really Want Textures I’ve Made One With Textures.
Here It Is Just Let Me Know Which Is Better Everyone, And I Would Like More Suggestion, If You Guys Have Any For Now Thanks You!
I don’t mean textures like images I mean the material that are offered in game like grass, wood and wood planks.