Need help about scripting the portal that triggers on "E" button

Hello Developers,
I need a script for the portal to transfer people to other dimension, as I said in the title, I need script that triggers on “E” button.
Can someone help me by putting there a script that I can use, thanks!

Hi, I recommend you look into UserInputService and MoveTo.

Scripting support is for help with code you have or with help on creating code, not doing it for you.

Have a great day!

Also it seems like you haven’t read the rules of the devforum, you should also do that!

This seems like asking for code. This isn’t what scripting support is for, and people spoon feeding you code isn’t going to help.


I don’t know completely how to make it, but heres a good tutorial on how to make a car with a E key. You just need to edit some things and like @TheWorstOne_2, I recommend you use MoveTo() to teleport the player.

God bless!


Alright, Thanks. Have a great day

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Ok, I’ll take a look . Thanks.

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You’re welcome. Shoot me a message if you need any more help with the tutorial.