Need help identifying the source of lag for my place

Just to clarify…

I have 44 different humanoids in my game (It’s a 2 year old game I decided on re-using).

Basically I have a bunch of dead corpses lying around and they make up most of the 44 humanoids.

Would humanoids stress the server in any way? And as a result bring about lag?

My current theories for my place:

  • 6,700ish parts, possibly because of that?
  • 44 humanoids
  • About 17 particle emitters.

Thing is though I have a feature that allows you to remove some detail parts and particle emitters and people still experience some lag from that. I ran the F9 Console and looked into the ServerScriptService tab and none of the scripts took much space, if not at all.

This is the place: Dunes of Castle Scentura [NOT PREFLOODABLE ATM] - Roblox

If you’re using corpses, I’d recommend finding a way around using humanoids. From my own experience, humanoids may end up putting heavy stress on the server if they aren’t players’ characters.

I had a game that relied too heavily on humanoids, and as the NPCs built up, so did the server lag.

If the corpses are R15, you can remove the humanoid and use several Texture objects as well as their respective offset properties (forgot the exact name of the properties) for the clothing.


Perfect, thank you very much!

I have a few alternatives for the clothing. I will test this out soon enough.

Alright, happy I could help.
Have a great day!

Why would humanoids that are not players characters have a higher performance impact?

If you are concerned about the impact of humanoid performance, I would recommend disabling the unnecessary humanoid states as this will cut down on things such as raycasts that humanoids do to check if they need to transition states.

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From my experience, it seems that players’ characters put less stress on the server than humanoids.
There’s a likely chance I’m wrong; I should fix that to say that I’m speaking from my own experience, not fact.

Same as @Firefaul, I feel like non player humanoids add more stress to the server. Maybe player humanoids do most of the logic client side?

In the developer console have you tried looking at client/server memory’s? If so, there is actually a post that describes each of the little sub-categories that are under each, which can help you locate the source of lag in your game.

Post with descriptions:

Found under Developer Tags

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The server doesn’t simulate the physics of player characters.
This means that the server is probably avoiding a lot of other processes related to how characters move, as long as the character belongs to a player.
Of course, the server gets the full workload if the character belongs to the server; which isn’t much for older-style humanoids which are truly idle if they aren’t doing anything, but a heavy workload for newer humanoids which are updating the CFrames of 6 or 15 parts (plus accessories) once per frame as well as performing loads of operations that older humanoids didn’t do.

I’m trying to figure out more about how much is simulated by the server and how much is simulated by the client, I should do a test where the server removes the joints in the arms of a player then the client moves their arms around.


Try using the microprofiler?

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