Need help on the Sky system

Hello! Trying to make a sky system that changes the skybox in a specific time. You know like for example morning skies doesn’t have clouds 6:00 - 11:00 then at 11:00 the skybox with clouds appears. My goal is to make skies like this video:

Help is appreciated! Thank you everyone!

If you want it to be in a certain time as in like the sky time then you can probably do an if check?

For example

changeSkyTime = 14
if game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay == changeSkyTime then
    -- change sky texture

Obviously, it’s not totally your answer, it does check for the time of day but try to mess around what that if function.

edit: the more you mess around with it the more you can try and make the sky change at certain times more than one too. using elseif, etc.

I see. Thanks alot for the help!