Need help with DialogGui (Script Help)

yo, I wanted to find out what mistakes I made and how can I fix it?

script.Parent.Parent.DialogGui.Frame.Visible = false

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Map = workspace:WaitForChild("Map")
local Arrows = Map:WaitForChild("Arrows")
local Sounds = Map:WaitForChild("Sounds")
local Configuration = Map:WaitForChild("Configuration")

local dialog = script.Parent.Parent.DialogGui.Frame.Dialog

if workspace.Map.Configuration.Wave == 1 then
	script.Parent.Parent.DialogGui.Frame.Visible = true
	dialog.Text = 'sup, here zombie lol'
	script.Parent.Parent.DialogGui.Frame.Visible = false

Is there an error this script is throwing? What’s the issue

Can you show the output? What seems to occur when running the script?