Need help with dictionary-related

Hi, how do you “add” (not trying to set) a string value to the Key “Items”?

local tab = {

userid = {
[“Experience”] = 0,
[“Items”] = “DefaultItem”,
[“Cash”] = 0


You cannot add more “items” to a string, is an array what you are looking for?

local tab = {
  userid = {
    Items = {"item1","item2"}
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yeah, im trying to do it like this. is this possible on another method then?

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by “another method”?

Sorry, I misunderstood what you just said. I guess an array is what I was looking for, but how exactly to add new “items” into an array?

table.insert(tab["userid"]["Items"], #tab["userid"]["Items"] + 1, value ) 


table.insert(tab.userid.Items, #tab.userid.Items + 1, value)
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I personally use dictionaries, so key-value pairs so I’d do

tab.userid.Items["Slot1"] = "item"

this worked thanks!


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No problem, you can read more about tables here