I have tryna to make an explosion effect like this: https://gyazo.com/19db126f936d2761904cdc995e55c0a1
but I don’t know how to make it, Please help me this is big part of my game
I have tryna to make an explosion effect like this: https://gyazo.com/19db126f936d2761904cdc995e55c0a1
but I don’t know how to make it, Please help me this is big part of my game
Try using this tutorial you gonna need to learn VFX it are effects what you can use i never did make effects but you can try it if this is what you mean Video
How it gonna export to roblox studio?
I don’t realy know i never did it but i do know how to create a mesh but that’s not what you want so try to search for vfx tutorials.
You cant export that to studio (other than the mesh),
You will need to animate it using scripting, things I recommend looking into:
These both are a great help for various animation of objects. You will also need to use particle emitters.