About Us
Hi there! We are NetGames a small business hoping to get famous in the future and we need a builder we currently have 700 members and booming to 1k almost
The Team
@CorruptDetected90 - Owner
@K0RUII - Admin
About The Job
We are looking for a professional Scripter and hopefully you can build to! The job is to make full racing game multiplayer.
The game must expect the following features
Map voting for Cup
Once the player voted it will appear in the top or at the side of the course once the vote has ended the game will pick a random course.
The game must have item boxes along with roblox items.
Kart shop
Custom music for every sound effects and map music
Music for 1st to 40th place
1st and 2nd and 3rd get to stand on a podume and also show a leaderboard to the current players after they finish.
Not to mention I am expecting there to be a teir race every month the map can be updated and leaderboard can be played around.
Teir racing is based on points you hit other people during races the highest person from 1st and 5th place gets to move up a teir and will Change every teir you move up Excample teir 50 will be 1st place gets to move up but 2nd and 3rd will stay normal 4th and 5th will get to move teir down and last 20th place will go two teirs down.
Teir ranking ends every 7 days and people will get ranked up.
I am hoping all the code that will be made will be easy for me to access and not break so if I wanted to add a new map I can just insert the map in the folder or code without breaking it.
The same with teir I can change the map and hoping to change teir up and down.
Also we should have our own name tags when racing that tells us your teir.
We are paying 1,500 robux for this project along with some benefits you will get the contributior rank and will be added to 20% of all group payments if this goes well you can earn up to 5k robux depending on who buys our robux and stuff we will discuss extra paid items later.
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via discord CorruptDetected#9384
You must be 13+ to apply and good scripting experience
Thanks for reading!