New Alt+S shortcut (and another) is pretty disruptive

As a lot of you probably know, holding Alt allows you to select parts within a model without selecting the entire thing at once. I’m not sure when it was added but now Alt+S opens the Studio setting window, which happens pretty much every time I’m trying to Alt-select a part while moving my camera which is pretty instinctual at this point.

A similar thing happens when holding Shift while moving my camera as I’m resizing a part. Holding Shift makes camera movements smoother but also makes me inadvertently enter the new mode of resizing.

Edit: Check edits at bottom to turn alt+s off

We got rid of alt+w attempting to close studio but now alt+s blocks focus by opening the settings menu.

Example gif: moving camera with WASD and holding alt to select parts in a model

Edit: I think you can turn this off by going to file → advanced → customize shortcuts → settings menu → change hotkey combo.

Edit: Oh, you right click → clear shortcut to clear it.


Can’t seem to disable the shift resizing part. It’s a nice feature except it shares the slow-camera key binding.

A way to get around this is by also holding shift. Alt->Shift (and S to move camera) will allow you to select multiple parts inside a model without the studio settings popping up.