New In-Game Topbar

that’s temporary the newer x button will look like this


Overall, I think it looks great, however, the Roblox logo having a gradient looks out of place, it should be all white like the Chat button.

Also, is there a need to require an extra click to activate these with your mouse? Like others have said, I think the new topbar looks kind of empty, and I’d say it’s because all of these are grouped in one tab.


This button does not display if all the items in the menu are disabled. You can fix this by explicitly disabling the EmotesMenu in your specific case.


I got the new Topbar when I joined a game in testing mode on Studio, is the feature out yet or just random times for random people?

I has been released (for now at least *), so yes the feature is out.

*They might revert it like the when they reverted the leaderboard, time will tell if the do so

The lack of consistency with the other Core GUIs are annoying and I created a bug report. CoreGui/Topbar Design Inconsistencies. Besides for these small bugs, great change!


I think the new top bar is very good I think, but it doesn’t fit in with the “esc menu”. I think the roblox icon in the top left should be the old ‘Hamburger’ icon.

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I started testing with the new TopBar and I will say that the new Roblox TopBar is good but has some problems.

I made this list of things that I like from the new TopBar and things that I don’t like.

Things I like:
Modern Design.
No more gray bar on the top of the screen. (More space for GUIs on Games)
More friendly for mobile users.

Things I don’t like:
The Gladient on the Roblox Logo.
The chat and inventory doesn’t fit with the design.

In my opinion, the new TopBar is fine but needs to be polished a bit more.


I think it would make a difference if we took away the big white X. It needs to have a consistent shape, and color.


Our game supports emotes but this new button ruins our UI space.

It looks like we will need to disable Roblox emotes and implement our own UI via an emergency patch.

Edit: Looks like this might not be possible with current APIs…

This update has forced us to remove emote support from our game.


I agree, but I think the least they could do it make it round. I also think they should modernize the chat, I dont think it fits with the new topbar.

Indeed, this would help. It may reduce the complaints.

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The new topbar looks very off with the black backgrounds like many people have been saying. The current menu also completely clashes with the new topbar.

This is my suggestion on how the new UI could look like.

More or less like this, but more polished of course (I had no time to make a better image)


I Wand to just say than the the way than the topbar and the context menu it the side is very weird. Personaly i suggest a design like this:

for me this feels more logical and less empty.

also i can’t help but notice than the topbar is stored on its own gui so i expect this is a test
Καταγραφή.PNGnew gui

Edit: I Came up with a new design than i belive looks much more consistant


As usual, I have two major gripes:

  • the logo stands out with its gradient, and feels like more a watermark than anything else. (Should’ve kept the hamburger icon… :man_facepalming:)

  • the removal of the username near the health bar kinda makes the top bar feel empty.

Other than that I have not much anything else to say (I’ll probably use my own health bar, or try to make a mockup of the older one).


I see it, it’s applied. I don’t really like the style of the new one because I feel like it’s a staple the roblox client, also it makes it feel empty.

More feedback

The context menu button is not centered with the leadeboard

However, it is aligned with the menu itself

I really don’t like how it is like that, and think that the button should be aligned with the leaderboard

Adding onto that, there is some space left of the roblox icon that
I think we should shift the roblox and chat buttons left, and the context menu button right

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I absolutely love that the top right of the screen is completely freed up when you turn off the Leaderboard, Backpack, and Emotes!! :grin: Losing 160 pixels of horizontal space off the top right corner for your account name and 13+ status was pretty devastating when trying to make nice mobile UI.


When I spam the ESC key while I changed a team it seems like the Team Change message moved on the bottom.