New material - ForceField (v2.0)

This makes 0 sense.

If anything, they should perform the same.

That’s because double-sided faces are actually faces with culling disabled.

Drawing extra geometry doesn’t have a considerable direct impact on performance, it’s more of an issue regarding anything that has to access the vertex data such as collision detection (which is pre-computed in Roblox so yay!).

It can cause issues with lighting as the 2 sides share the same lighting data. This can be fixed with expensive calculations, thus making 2 faces a better approach. I do know that some high-level graphics APIs automatically clone the entire mesh if culling is disabled to avoid this issue.


I made some turrets using the holo material texture.


I think they turned out pretty well, I really love the new texture.


That is a really cool feature! I think they are going to be seen in many games soon! :smiley:

The bottom is like glitched for whatever reason, this can be a problem for me if I want to put ForceField. Deleted


Here’s a great tutorial.


This is so cool. Thank you for this!

Loving the new material, really makes a forcefield look like a forcefield. And what’s a better way to show off a forcefield then to make a bubble shield?


This is PERFECT!! Thanks to everyone who contributed in making this!

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Maybe also make a shock effect by adding dome like meshes when hit? Give them a concentric circle effect as well.


How do you get the hexagon effect? I just have the one with the glow effect. :frowning:

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Wow! This is truly amazing I love to see how much work Is done on Roblox just for the developers.

This is awesome. I’m gonna use this in some of my games. Thank you.

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hey! Thanks for the feature! Question, though, how can I get that hexagon-effect? thanks! :slight_smile:

Texturing. Haven’t really tried so far, but the red channel is what is used for the animations.

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This is a great material to add! Will be very useful.

Reminds me of Halo’s Bubble Shield.


glad there is a post about this now! was always curious about how this material worked.

It looks cool but as other people brought up, it was pretty pixelated.
Either way, looks cool.

Pretty excited to use this in my game. Can already imagine the stuff I can do with this :grinning: