[NEW] Terrain & Scripter WANTED

The Noob Defences Official Recruitment 2020

Looking for terrain and scripter!!

Check out and rate our progress!!

About Us

Hi there! We are The Noob Defences, a small upcoming game development team. We’re looking for lots of people who are experienced and professional willing to join our team and work with us on our upcoming games. We are also needing ideas, and suggestions on what type of hit game to make!

The Team
@spiralout - Head Developer
@Kennycell - Head Developer
@NsaneNarwhal - Concept Creator
@Darvean (UI, assets, and builds) , @JustCRyan (interaction & builds) - Developer
@R3Desired - Sales Manager
@YOU - Scripter
@YOU - Terrain Maker
@contrabannd - Graphic Designer
Hopefully more jobs to come soon!

You can see our group and the game progress here:

About The Job

We are looking for professional and mature individuals who can be trusted to join our team as the positions provided above. We have big expectations like smooth builds, slick UIs, and modern stuff that’s easy to the eye and catchy that adhere to our game’s style. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with every single individual on this project.

The project does not have a deadline, however, I’d like to get it done soon so we can release it to the community and start earning funds. We also prefer decent amount of work on the assets, not something made within a minute. We also want to avoid any free models. If there is no option, the models first must be scanned for any backdoors.


This part is all about trust. We will offer a percentage of the group earnings per month. That means if you have a 50% payout deal and we earn a million Robux in that month, you will get 500k paid out to you at the end of the month. If you decide to leave the group at the end of the month, we will pay you half of your percentage. At the moment, we have no funds, so as I said, this is all about trust. We will pay you as soon as we start earning Robux. This was meant to be a project between me and Kenny, but we decided to extend it and reach help from the developer forum.


You can contact us here on the Developer Forum, Twitter, or Discord. The links will be at the end of this topic.
You must be 14 years or older to apply.


Twitter: @pricelessfrtn
Discord: priceless#4786
Discord Server: Discord

Thanks for reading and I really look forward to working with you all! :slight_smile:


I would be happy to join! This looks cool.

1 Like

You can’t ask for investors on the dev forum.


Oh ok, sorry. I didn’t know but thanks for letting me know! :slight_smile:

I would love to be the Sales Manager

we are still looking for a scripter with experience with tough stuff. also possibly a SFX maker

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