New Trades Page - Available for All Users

More slots would be very good to prevent scams, for example if you want an item that isn’t in range with your top 4 items you’d have to sent multiple trades and that’s where lots of scams happen.


Just click the :robux: icon on any page then click on ‘Robux’. Then, it will take you to the transactions page.

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This looks really great! I like this a lot and it definitely gets a 10/10.

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I just checked and it looks like the trade view uses the inventory API to load items. See below:

The inventory API uses pagination like a bunch of other roblox APIs so maybe they do not want it because they have pretty restrictive ratelimits in place already. The item reseller api ratelimit for example can be hit by a normal user pretty easily. I imagine infinite scrolling would be easy to implement through a Chrome extension given that the ratelimit is generous.

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How do I become a beta tester?


@tijoe98 Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

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I only see one issue with this. Where do we go to view our summary now for sales and pending robuxs ect.?


Like @dibblydubblydoo said,

I hope they update this too, it makes it harder for us to check our summary and transactions, when they can be both on the same page. I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but as far what I see, they should both be combined into the trades page.


Thank you Ninjamanandcoolman18!


It looks great, but I think there should be some nice icons for the “Items you will give” and “Items you will receive.” Helps with legibility, as right now it’s kind of hard to discern between the two.


I thought this too, but it turns out you can still view them by clicking your Robux in the upper right then clicking on your balance. Hope this helps :laughing:


I think adding more trade slots would be good to prevent double trade scamming.


A really think traders would be much more happy if you could trade more than four items.


it would be so cool if they added more slots! :relaxed:

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This is awful, I now can’t see the transactions page.

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That’s because you were using the Trade button to access a different feature. This was clarified in the original post:


I still honestly think there should be some sort of ‘transactions’ button underneath the amount of Robux you have, similar to the ‘Buy Robux’ button thats already there.

The average Roblox user might not be savvy enough to figure out they actually have to click on the Robux amount to view their transactions, especially since there has never been incentive to exactly ‘click’ on your funds until now.


Great additions, I’m happy that it finally gives us more information when trades fail and that we can infinite scroll. Thank you!


It’s great to see Roblox fitting website features into modern design. Looks amazing and way better than the old layout.


the setup change is really weird, why have the sending player and receiving player sides been swapped

lots of empty space on the bottom of this page

i cant click on their username anymore to go to their profile, only the player icon. with the new change i’m specifically talking about “Trade with …” at the top where … used to be a hyperlink.

when trading with the new design u don’t actually tell the player that the item name is a hyperlink, so the intuitive suggestion to the player is that when they click it they will add that item to the trade but LOL nope it redirects the trade window to the item. kind of like, a really really annoying UX.

other suggestions:
show us the trade id
give us a search because some players like saturniidae will have 3,797 collectibles and you’re trying to send an offer on two of them.