Weekly Roundup
This was an exciting week! We got Nightships out to testers, and we’ve restarted work on Super Hero Life IV!
The beginning of the week was marked by me trying to get the ship-autopilot to work. It took much longer than expected, but it resulted in a pretty cool mechanic!
After that, I took time to upgrade the black-hole effect! I think it came out really well, so far testers seem to agree.
And on Wednesday night, testing for the game began! We also debuted the larger windows which allowed for a pretty sweet view inside the ship. The gif wouldn’t load so open up this tweet to see it the view!
The testing went alright, people seemed to very much like the galaxy experience (which had been added since last testing), so that’s great! There also weren’t too many issues with severe lag. Unfortunately, the issues with the ship editor’s UX (how difficult it is to use) greatly impacted many testers experience. It has become a number one priority to fix before moving on towards adding more to the game. We’re going to redo multiple tools, as well as add a quick tutorial to help people get up to speed!
On Friday I began work on Super Hero Life IV again, starting with planning out all the functionality for the spaceship editor. It ended up being a massive image, so you may have to open the image in a new tab to see the details.
Up Next
Next week I’ll be working on making the new Low-Poly Avatar system run smoothly, I’m hoping to make it as nice as a legitimate videogame’s avatar system, while also leaving room for the addition of a super fun combat system. Follow us on twitter to see any cool gifs I post: https://twitter.com/Nightcycle_LLC