~= nil not works

I’m trying to make viewmodel, and when the gun unequips viewmodel destroys, but the script print this in output

Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart has been set, or the PrimaryPart no longer exists. Please set Model.PrimaryPart before using this.

I know this because arms is nil, but I have this check in the script

local arms

-- here some functions and gun equip
	arms = game.ReplicatedStorage.ViewModels.Guns["AK-74"]:Clone()
	if arms ~= nil then -- this not work
			arms:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cam.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,0))
	arms.Parent = cam

-- here the tool unequips and "arms" destroying
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This just means that arms doesn’t have a PrimaryPart, you’ll need to add one yourself.

Thought if we’re talking about a Humanoid here, PrimaryPart will only exist in the Character.

Its have PrimaryPart. I mean if i unequip the gun, output prints this
Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() failed because no PrimaryPart has been set, or the PrimaryPart no longer exists. Please set Model.PrimaryPart before using this

use arms:PivotTo(cam.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,0)) instead, SetPrimaryPartCFrame() is deprecated and should not be used for new work,

and Some Information can be here

also The difference between is that it works on BaseParts and Models as they’re PVInstance


Sorry, can you please translate that into English?

This is also correct and I should have mentioned that earlier.

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Wait i sorry the translator broken the text

arms have a PrimaryPart, but when gun unequips the arms was destroying, this means arms is nil.
I added this

if arms ~= nil then

but this not works

and script trying to setPrimaryPartCFrame

Try just:

if arms then
-- code

This is because if will evaluate a condition and check if it is truthy of falsey, if arms are nil then it will stop executing that thread and move onto the next one.

Can you send a Local File, so I can fix quicker instead of typing with my fingers?

Never mind, don’t put it, it’s solved.

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Wait, i just changed to arms:PivotTo(cam.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-1,0)) and everything fixed lol.
Maybe because SetPrimaryPartCFrame() deprecated

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