Noob GUI question

Heres the problem, I can in no way design UI professionally and quite frankly this is making me feel beyond dumb.

I have a ScrollingFrame that will ONLY scroll on the Y axis. I feel like I’ve done everything possible and I simply cannot figure this out for the absolute life of me.

Here are the settings:

And heres what it looks like ( I want it to scroll sideways, not vertical.)

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Change scrolling direction to XY

Also set CanvasSize Y to 0 (otherwise it is inferred you want to be able scroll vertically too).

you want to set the scrollingdirection to x, also what worked for me, changing the canvas size to 2,0,0,0


While this works, it only scrolls sideways whenever I hold shift…

Solved. I’ve just decided to use a UIPageLayout. Thanks everyone :slight_smile: