Not playing the animation and no error on the output

i am learning how to animate and play the animation, but i couldnt do my animation play i dont know what happend.

plese tell me if i did any step wrong
first i made my animation using roblox default animation plugin

and then i exported to roblox and i got the Id rbxassetid://6123285777
after that, i inserted a model of my character in the game and added a AnimationController and a Animation , i pasted the Id in the animation, and i made a server script to load the animation on the animationContoller and play in the character. and when i run the game, the character doesnt play and no errors on the output.

what i am doing wrong?

I’m not too familiar with your method but here’s what I would do:
(Local script)

local animation ="Animation") --make a new animation object
animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" .. "000000000" --your id here
local humanoid = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") -- get your player's humanoid

local animationTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation) --load the animation onto the humanoid

animationTrack:Play() --play the animation
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