I really like the idea of the obby, “Stop the evil sailor who stole all of the colors” whilst simple, pretty unique and definitely something I haven’t heard of before.
The obby itself is pretty simply made, which is very much expected considering you’ve made it in one afternoon, gotta say it’s pretty impressive (atleast to me) to be able to finish a game, even if as simple as this obby, in just one session, so props to you for that, wouldn’t be able to do it myself with my attention span.
The obstacles are pretty simple and easy to go through, something you’d expect in an obby, though still better than most of the obbies you would come across nowadays.
One thing though is that right in the beginning, despite the ‘guide’ (or whoever it may be that helps you throughout the journey) saying that the evil sailor stole all of the color in the land, you can very noticeably see a green sort of splash on the ground, which doesn’t really make sense considering the color of everything has been stolen, however I’m sure this is just a little flaw you haven’t noticed when publishing the place.
Another thing I’d like to point out is when you get to the evil sailor’s boat, you’re told to destroy it, yet it ends with you pressing a random red button and winning. Perhaps you could add a little more to that part of the obby, like maybe some sort of bomb that’s connected to the button? If you take the time, though I of course don’t know whether you can make cutscenes or not, you could maybe add some sort of cutscene of an explosion, indicating that the boat has been blown up. Just a suggestion though.
Also I’d like to mention how at the end you can see the ‘guide’s’ actual color, although small but fine detail. Could also maybe add color to the boat though.
In conclusion I’d say it’s short, but a pretty well made obby, especially for something made in 1 afternoon, good job!