So this Script spawns a Stage but its not replicating on the server only on the client i know about remote events but have no knowledge of them how would i make a server script for this
1st image is Client
2nd is Server
local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local RPS = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local Stages = RPS:WaitForChild(“Stages”)
local Stands = workspace.Stands
local PlayerStand = workspace.Stands:WaitForChild(Plr.Name)
local Base = PlayerStand.Base
local Button = script.Parent
local GUI = Plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild(“CloneUI”)
local Stage = Stages:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Parent.Name)
ReplicatedStorage.CloneStage.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, stage, position)
local Stage = stage:Clone()
-- other stuff
you can also just look for them on the server itself, but in my opinion it feels more messier. there are better solutions too, this is just the first one that popped up in my head.