Object Oriented Programming Help

So Im trying to pratice Object Oriented Programming and I tried to making my own class and it was working fine but I want it to work without me having to make a metatable everytime I want to make a new object , this is the error in the output


Server Script

local Cars = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Pratice)

local Honda = Cars({Name = "Honda"})


Module Script

function Class(tbl)
	setmetatable(tbl, {
		__call = function(cls, ...) 	
			local self = {}
			setmetatable(self, {
				__index = cls		
	return tbl

local Cars = Class({
	constructor = function(self, Name)
	Dealer = "Default";
	GetName = function(self)
		return self.Name
	GetDealer = function(self)
		return self.Dealer

return Cars

You never defined “Name” anywhere in the original table, and also you’re trying to treat a table Cars as a function. I’ve fixed up both things and it is functioning as it should.

function Class(tbl)
	setmetatable(tbl, {
		__call = function(cls, ...) 	
			local self = {}
			setmetatable(self, {
				__index = cls		
	return tbl

local Cars = function(tbl)
local tbl2 = Class({
	constructor = function(self, Name)
	Dealer = "Default";
	Name = tbl.Name;
	GetName = function(self)
		return self.Name
	GetDealer = function(self)
		return self.Dealer
return tbl2

return Cars
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Alright it worked and thanks but, could you further explain what you did for it to work please?

Well, as I already had mentioned you were originally trying to identify the “Cars” variable as a function when in reality you had defined it was a table.

local Cars = Class({

You were returning Cars through the module script, however you were also identifying Cars as a table (through the Class function). To fix this I turned Cars into a function that ran the Class function inside of it, rather than having it defined as the Table that Class() returns.

local Cars = function(tbl)
local tbl2 = Class({
-- skip lines
return tbl2

Another thing was, even though you sent Name as a parameter in the tbl attached to “Cars” (Cars({Name = "Honda"})), you never defined it in your table inside of the ModuleScript.

Name = tbl.Name;
	GetName = function(self)
		return self.Name

All I did was define “Name” in the table as the Name passed through the Cars function.

Oh alright that makes a whole lot more sense thank you for explaining it
Wait do I even need this function/method?
Because I just deleted it and it’s still working fine.

constructor = function(self, Name)

No, you don’t need that function at all. I left it in because you had referenced it in the metatable for the car, so I imagined you had left out parts of the script that utilized it.