Odd RemoteEvent not always being seen by the client?

function checkPlayerToys(player)
	local myInventory = playerInventory[player.UserId]
	if myInventory then
		checkToys:FireClient(player, myInventory.teddybear)


	print('hey server')
	local tuple = {...}
	if tuple then
		inner:FindFirstChild('TeddyBear').Quantity.Text = tuple[1]

It prints done, but the client aint picking it up. Main problem with this is that it works sometimes, but other times it doesnt.

Have you checked what’s being printed in the console or what you’re sending the client? There’s not enough information here to determine what your problem is. I would’ve liked to see solutions you’ve already applied to the problem, as well as any of this additional information:

  • Arguments being sent or received
  • Whether or not malformed requests are being made
  • What’s going on in the console
  • Alternate methods of accomplishing this
  • What happens when the code works or doesn’t and what changes were made beteween those times

When are you connecting to the OnClientEvent signal? It’s more likely it’s an issue with when you are making the client listen for the event than for the event just not working properly.