Ok killbrick problem

So my kill brick seems like the amount of time before death is random here’s a video
robloxapp-20210206-1615106.wmv (2.7 MB)

here is the script i use
function onTouch(part)
local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if (humanoid ~= nil) then – if a humanoid exists, then
humanoid.Health = 0 – damage the humanoid


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its just lag between you and the server and I know its very annoying

As @granday_electronics mentioned, this is caused by ping.
You can possibly get better results by turning the CanCollide property of the killbrick to false as I have experienced in a lot of obbys that when the CanCollide is on, it is sometimes possible to pass the stage by just holding space and going forward the next checkpoint.


yeah that was my problem
thanks for the help

No problem! But as I said, this makes just some better results, there will be a still problem with ping if it would be something big.