I’m using OnTeleport to detect whether a player can do certain stuff, for example they can’t create a group if they are in the process of teleporting or can begin creating groups if the teleport has failed, however I am finding that OnTeleport only fires the RequestedFromServer.
Plr.OnTeleport:Connect(function(teleportState, placeId, spawnName)
print("Teleport state chaged: ", teleportState)
if teleportState == Enum.TeleportState.Started then
print("Teleport started ("..Plr.Name..")")
elseif teleportState == Enum.TeleportState.WaitingForServer then
print("Teleport waiting for server ("..Plr.Name..")")
elseif teleportState == Enum.TeleportState.InProgress then
print("Teleport in progress ("..Plr.Name..")")
elseif teleportState == Enum.TeleportState.Failed then
print("Teleport failed! ("..Plr.Name..")")
Looking at the Dev Forum this appears to occur before, but there is no solution to it, is there a way to detect which state a players teleport is in?