Scripter Portfolio

About Me

Hello! I am sleepcodes (41taccount). I’ve been scripting in ROBLOX for a few years. I enjoy scripting and I am always open to learning new concepts and improving my code! I love working in teams because I’ve learned how useful team members can be when you get stuck or just need someone to consult. :handshake:



I am available at earliest, 3:30 PM on Mon-Fri and most of the day during weekends and available during vacations sometimes.
(Subject to change next year)


You can contact me sleepcodes#0001 via Discord

Thanks for reading my developer portfolio!



I don’t want to be inpolite but you don’t think you want to we pay for your showcase? It’s too bad :frowning:


Hey! I added your discord, see you there!

EDIT: Your discord is wrong add me,

Scythe Slaying#5934

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Sorry for the late response! I was actually on vacation and forgot to update it.

Embedded77#1101, ill dm u details there

I’d like to hire you. DM me on discord. Marcu_us#3213