Hi, I am an intermediate-advanced scripter with about 1 - 1.5 years of experience scripting. I am passionate about scripting and I enjoy it, I want to become better at it and get more experience doing it. I can generally don’t script stuff to do with physics.
You can look at some of my work here:
https://gyazo.com/6a3929eec034ec4e72fad5a7f7968ddd (Basic firework launcher)
https://gyazo.com/f00cabc8fa9a716001e02354c0656b6c (Music GUI)
https://gyazo.com/7ee3f6dbd4875518f359cf7fea496ad1 (Kick GUI)
https://gyazo.com/8bf62c953a7da3303a066c863d2a573c (Basic leaderstats stuff)
Roblox handcuffs - YouTube (Handcuff system)
https://gyazo.com/991ec0159ee25791c87d0605aa81fb5b (Basic flashlight with animation)
https://streamable.com/uy3zwd (Police radio system)
https://gyazo.com/7ee1bf0b746480a6950c900df49729be (Wave animation when you press E)
https://gyazo.com/f238d4804c63cd26ed9e2ef805724e31 (Don’t mind the terrible UI)
I am available for five to seven hours a week and nine hours on the weekend. You can contact me at any time.
Prices are negotiable, I accept payment per asset either in group funds or Paypal (Prefered). I can make a gamepass, but the 30% that is taken by roblox, will need to be added extra.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: epicgamer_41#9827
Thanks for reading!