About Me
Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Famed, and I am currently 17 years old. My current time zone is EST. My DevForum biography states my current employment, and so does the Current Bookings category on my portfolio.
My Skillset
- Project management
- Community management
- Game design
- Building
- Roblox Studio Modeling
Current Bookings
- Game/Group Manager - [For Hire]
- Game Designer - [For Hire]
- Builder/Studio Modeler - 1/3 Slots [For Hire]
Groups I have managed
All past group management is posted on my Roblox Profile.
Games I have designed
- Ability [WIP] my own game.
- [Currently Hired] Club Dead
To avoid making this forum a mess, I made a Google Drive for my build samples.
I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends, and 5 hours of work per day during the week. You can contact me any time, and I will reply as soon as possible. If I am working multiple jobs, I will alternate throughout the day, or throughout the week.
Why should you hire me?
I have a skillset that allows me to work on multiple things at once. I have built a game, while putting design of the mapping first. My primary example is my own game, Ability that I have spent lots of time thinking of how to balance the map. Then figuring out where to position strong tiles, and weak tiles on the map.
How I do my work
Game Designer
I will give you unqiue game mechanics based on what your game is about, reference pictures for Developers, and I will host a meeting to brief everyone on the team. I will also assign everyone the appropriate jobs.
Community Manager
I will reform your current staffing, and if needed find Developers for you. I will be able to direct the staff within the group, and resolve moderation issues if they appear.
Project Director
I will post DevForum recruitment forums, and go through everyone who applies for the positions required. The post would include details on the job(s), and details on the payment. I will forward my suggested Applicants to you.
Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per asset. Sometimes I accept % payment, but it is not preferred. If you use %, I will only accept if there is a backup payment. My required payment method is R$(This might change soon).
Game Design
Presentation/Meeting: 350-3,500 R$.
Reference pictures: 50 R$
Game mechanics: 50-100 R$
Leading the Project: 7,500 R$
Community Management
Community management is a weekly position, requiring 350R$ every week to continue my operations within your community.
Terms of Service
I aim for Patron Satisfaction, I will be asking your opinion a lot on what I do. (Primarily building)
Provide a way of communicating with the other Developers on the team.
Wasting my time, being disrespectful, etc will result in contract termination.
If you offer a percentage payment, I will only accept if there is a guaranteed payment for me. If it is weekly pay, and you do not have any R$ to pay. My operations will be halted.
I have every right to decline your offer. If I am discharged, I have the right to request removal of my assets if not paid for.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum, via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/fameddos , or on Discord at: Sauce#3269
Thank you for checking out my Portfolio!