(OPEN) HIRING Devs for an Upcoming Simulator game

Hi there! I am SheezeBlox, the Owner of Purple Crown Studios. I am looking for proffessional Scripters, a GUI designer and maybe a Builder to make a Simulator game.

The Team
@SheezeBlox - Owner, Builder
@username - Scripter
@username - Builder
@username - UI-Designer

About The Job

This is going to be a long-term Job.
I’m looking for proffessional Scripters, who can script a Simulator game like Saber Sim(For more Informations add me on Discord).
The GUI-Designer should be very experienced on making good looking UIs.
I’m looking for a low-poly Builder who has experience in building simulator maps.


I’ll pay percentage so if the game fails, I won’t be able to pay you.
Scripter: 30-40%
Builder: 20-30%
UI-Designer: 5-10%

Contact Me

You can contact me via Discord: SheezeBlox#9176
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :smiley:


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