Hey! I need an experienced modeler who can make a custom character (Similar to Bad Business’ body), but with hands; Hand with joints, fingers, palm of a hand, etc. I’m not looking for the type of realistic like with skin, etc. I’ll show an example of what I mean
NOTE: I want the hand to be of that style, but not that exact thing! The shape of the hand shown above has the thumb in an awkward position, and the palm of the hand can’t bend.
I don’t know much about this subject, so I’m not sure exactly what would be a “fair” price. Also, from what I hear, the joints and stuff must be rigged, in order for my animator to be able to animate it (If I’m wrong, please leave a comment explaining what is needed).
If interested, message me here, or at Discord!
Discord: Willow#7785
Thanks for visiting!