[OPEN] Hiring Vice Chairman & Leadership Team!

Greetings, we are a new group (brand new) called Teranto! We are a Café group and we are in need of a Vice Chairman (Co Owner), President and Vice President, read more about this below!


[details=“Vice Chairman [CLOSED]”]
This is the second highest rank in the group after Chairman, you will be in charge of development and making sure the leadership team is doing the right thing, you will also be making sure the group is always running. In this position you will be trusted with a lot of confidential information!

Leadership Team (President/Vice President)

In this position you will be trusted with a lot of confidential information, you will be in charge of the MR Vacancies and making sure the High Ranks are doing what their meant to be.

You will be payed out of group funds when our group starts to grow. (Only Vice Chairman will be payed due to it being the second highest position and them being in charge of development)

You may contact me via Discord at FuzePlays#5172
If interested please friend me as soon as possible!

Must be 13+ to apply.

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