[OPEN] JS Bot Scripter

About Us
ENLITE Hotels & Resorts is a hotel orientated group which is currently in development. There are many things that we will hold within our hotel to keep our visitors entertained and satisfied with their stay. We’re looking for an experienced programmer who is willing to join our team and work with us on our new hotel version!

Job Information
We are looking for a highly skilled and experienced JS Programmer with well over 2 years of experience that is willing to be commissioned long term to create a Discord bot for our group. The team isn’t just a team, we’re a family that communicates with each other and builds a relationship with trust over time. We expect a programmer with these types of qualities:

  • 2+ years of experience
  • Experience in programming for social groups/hotels
  • Good communication skills
  • Willing to be commissioned long-term
  • Experience with JavaScript and MongoDB

You will receive payment for updating the bot as receive a monthly payment for motivation to update the bot every so often. We will be paying for hosting, databases, etc.

Interested? Contact Us
If you are interested in the position, please contact fans#1111 on Discord. You must be 13 years or older to apply and have a registered Discord account.


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