[OPEN] Looking for a Experienced scripter!

About Us

Hey guys, we are a new Roman community that is hard working to get sucessful! Our comunity is in need of people who have experiences in Roman groups and can help us out to grow faster! We actually have over 80 members!

The Team
@SilverStaIIions - Terrain, script ( to edit simple script ), little bit of 3d model
N/A - Scripter
N/A - UI

You can see our progress so far here: Roman Aegyptus - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a professional scripter to join our team. I expect you to have ability to adapt with the Game scripts, to edit it and to upgrade it. Right now we need someone to make the game more enjoyable and less boring!

I need the hired scripter to make material droppable, to patch any kind of exploits and bugs. Also to upgrade the game with new script to make the game less boring. I plan to implement a economic systems based on data.


We are paying R$ per asset. Our preferred payment method is by group fund. If hired, I will provide a contract that will tell you what you can do or not.

Contact Us

You can contact me from Discord: SilverStallions#8742
May we see you during on our journey on Roblox!

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