(OPEN) Looking for ADVANCED Plugin Developers! (Advanced Back-End Plugin Tool)

Advanced Back-End Plugin Tool is Recruiting 20 developers to program and UI Design.

About Us

Advanced Back-End Plugin Tool is a Roblox Studio Plugin where you are able to use custom data servers and connect them to your game. Do tons of really really advanced data stores and more!

The Group/Team
@Carmello272 - Owner/Founder
@Killerbonnic - Programmer

About the Job

Advanced Back-End Plugin tool is recruiting 20 developers to UI design and Program!


Programmers - 1/15 Slots
UI Design - 0/5 Slots

Each of the groups will have 2 Head Developers/Designers that will lead the team and basically lead the group and see how its going and monitor the fellow Developers work.


The position is Intern Only/Volunteer so no one is getting paid it’s more for the experience and to help the community developers.

How to Join

You can either contact @Carmello272 or add Mel76#4511 on discord!

Application Template:
(You must reply using this)

Roblox Username:
Job: Programmer/Ui Designer (Only 1)
Past Work:
Wanting Lead Developer?: Yes / No

Once your application Is submitted, you will be added to a list where we will pick the top developers out of the bunch to join the team! You will be contacted by @Carmello272 or Mel76@4511 on discord if you have made it in the team.

It will not be easy to make it in the team if we get more than 15+ requests.

Thanks for showing interest! :slight_smile:

(Must have 2+ years plugin programming experience. Must have 1+ year UI Design experience.)

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