[OPEN] Offering My Services As A Clothing Design Mentor/ Teacher

Hey there!

If in the wrong category, let me know. I didn’t think it would go in resources or tutorials as it is more personal to the person I am teaching. And if I need to add certain things.

I’m Mae, a clothing designer with 1 1/2 years experience. I am offering my experience to others that aren’t so experienced in clothing design or want to learn. I have a lesson plan ready to go and adjusts based on each individual’s capabilities.

They can also ask me what they want to learn and I will teach them.

This lesson plan is for free and includes no payment at all!

If you are interested, please PM me here on forums!


I am interested, please add me if you have discord ItsSaif_YT#8887

I would love to lean how to create clothing!
I have Pmd you!

I like how you are doing this completely for free that is awesome and it displays that you are unselfish keep up the awesome work!

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I don’t have Discord. I have sent you a PM please refer to it.

I am interested in this, I private messaged you. May you send me a message explaining me what to do.

Hello im interested, if you have discord please tell me so.