[OPEN] Official_DevFrancais Builder Portfolio

About Me
Hi there ! I’m Official_DevFrancais/Offi, I’m a Builder on Roblox since a lot of time, (2014) And since 2018 with my New Account ! I worked on a lot of Projects like Mount Rila, Matterhorn, Pico Aneto, OOF Expeditions Training Facility,And a lot of others. I got hired by a 13K Members Group for a game too.
I worked on a lot of things, Here on what I worked:

Building Style
I’m very experienced in the Mountaineering/Mountains Building but i’m too with Restaurants/Coffee shops/Military Bases/Airports and a lot of others ! I’m also experienced in the terraining.
Future Projects
I’m doing this portfolio in a hope to find a Development Team. My futures projects are to open a City Roleplay. I have as future project too, to learn Blender using and Modeling for have some chances to enter in the Virtual Valley Games Dev Team.
I’m not asking a lot of robux. Generaly, For small projects, I like to have at least more than 30. For medium ones, 70, And for high ones 100+.
You can contact me on:
DM On DevForum
Message on Roblox
Discord: Offifcial_DevFrancais#6655

Thanks for reading this. I hope you liked my portfolio. And I hope you want to hire me ^^ See you later !

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