[OPEN] [OPPORTUNITY] Looking for Developers | Site-91

About Us

Hello! We are Fyree Studios. We are looking to create a big community on ROBLOX, by developing our first game:


About the game

Site-91 is a Prison Anomaly game heavily inspired by the game Site-76: Prison Anomalies. We want this game to bring out it’s full potential not being like any other SCP game on the ROBLOX platform. The game consists of 4 roles: Foundation, Class-D, Chaos Insurgency, and The Teller. These roles will split up into many more roles along the way.

What we want

We want a couple of things:

  • Good Communication.
  • Be able to work 4-5 hours a day.
  • Have at least 1 year of experience in your field.
  • Have quality assets.

The Team

@FyreeIG - Manager/GFX/UI/Second Scripter
couldbeyou - Scripter
couldbeyou - Animator
couldbeyou - Builder (High/Low-Poly)


Payment as of now is in % of group funds. I will have a backup payment soon so be ready for that…

Scripter - 30%
Builder - 25%
Animator - 20%
Manager/GFX/UI - 25%


You can contact me on Discord. My tag is: SethBoi#9266

Thank you for reading :grinning:


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