(open) scripter and ui designer


About Us

Hi there!. I’ve been scripting on Roblox for 3+ years now. I recently made a game called Quizzi, It’s a quiz game. This project is currently completed. I want to convert the game to multiplayer I’m just looking for a co-scripter to work with. I’m capable of scripting it myself But I want to get this done faster. I also need a UI designer the current UI I made is ok but I think it could be better.

The Team
@Chainreactionist - Scripter
@CouldBeYou - Scripter
@CouldBeYou - UI

You can see our progress so far here: Quizzi 1.1 [ IN DEVELOPMENT ] - Roblox

About The Job

Scipter- You will be working with me on the game logic
UI designer- You will make the menu UI and the game UI

Example of our game's style


I can pay in Robux 4k or in percentage which is more.

Contact Us

DISCORD - chainreactionist#1067
Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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