[OPEN] Translator For Hire (2 Native Languages)

English → Turkish

About Me

Both English and Turkish are my native languages, which means I’m fluent in both languages. Since I know both of the languages really well, I can find the best corresponding translations.

Why Turkish?

There are quite a few Turkish players in Roblox and most of the time I see them struggling trying to understand the game. By translating your game to Turkish, you’ll gain more Turkish players, thus more game play time and revenue.


I can spend 10 hours working daily if necessary.


1 Robux per string or negotiation (Group funds preferred)


Discord: Derp#0114 or message me via forum.

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Hi there!
I am not really interested in hiring you (yet). I just wanted to help you build your portfolio. You have mentioned nothing to convince someone to purchase your services. Here are a few things that you could mention.

  1. Why Turkish?
  2. What do you do better than any other translator?
  3. Payment? Be a bit more specific.
  4. Write down your discord username, or any other ways to contact you, its’ really weird waiting for a friend request from someone who you don’t no their username

That’s all I had to say. Good luck in finding a job!
Have a nice day,


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