Open Verification - Profile Symbols

Hello, Roblox Community

My name is Snowflake, a Roblox developer, communicator, designer and content creator. I am also the lead developer for a development project, Open Verification. Open Verification is a online tool/ resource that helps people all over the world communicate, educate, develop and more!

On our official resource page, some users have tags or flairs on their profile pictures. This is the topic where I show you what they mean and how to unlock them for yourself.

:star: Leader - This flair is awarded to all Open Verification developers who work hard to update and help improve the Open Verification website.

:white_check_mark: Certified - This flair is awarded to all users who have certified accounts, they are not bots and are real people. They are also important to the community.

:no_entry: Suspended - This flair is attached to users who have been suspended forever from the Open Verification website. This flair cannot be removed.

:x: Warned - This flair is attached to users who have been temporarily suspended from the Open Verification website or users who have been warned.

:memo: Educator - This flair is awarded to certified educational admins such as teachers, tech support, school districts, school directors and more.

:record_button: Student - This flair is awarded to students who are educated from certified and public school communities or districts. This badge can be changed if a educator allows you to do so.

:beginner: Government - This flair is awarded to politics and people of the government. This badge cannot be changed once it is provided to someone’s profile.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Developer - This flair is awarded to certified and important developers from the Open Verification community. Only certified developers can use this flair.

:globe_with_meridians: Communicator - This flair is awarded to certified communicators. Communicators can be translators, community leaders/ creators and global support users.

:heavy_dollar_sign: Monetization - This flair can be unlocked once you make a purchase in the Open Verification online features/ resources tool. [Not In Use]

:speech_balloon: English - This flair is awarded to users who’s work includes well spelling, grammar, organization and dividing. [Not In Use]

:radio_button: Inactive Account - This automatic flair appears on someone’s profile if they have been inactive for more than 4 months. This flair is not a optional choice.

:art: Artist - This flair is awarded to users who have exceptional artistic talents. This includes graphic designing, website organizing or art designs/ organization in general.

:musical_note: Music - This flair is awarded to users who create awesome music using applications and websites. Music can be songs, sounds, beats, sound tracks and more.

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Trading - This flair is awarded to users who often trade. These people make profit from trading products digitally or in person for personal reasons or legal “government” reasons.

:ticket: Special Guest - This flair is awarded to users who are special to the community. They also may be helping Open Verification with promotional deals.

:trophy: Contest Winner - This flair is awarded to users who have won a important contest. To unlock this badge, you must have gotten ranked first place in a Open Verification contest.

:jigsaw: Event Creator - This flair is awarded to users who help create and promote virtual events for Open Verification. Events could be virtual meetings, discounts, limited shops and more!

:lock: Account Locked - This symbol appears on your profile if your account has been locked by Open Verification team. This could be due to violations or for personal information reasons.

:syringe: Medical Admin - This flair is awarded to certified users who are medical admins. These people may be certified scientists, doctors, nurses and other certified medical providers.

:floppy_disk: Progress Relocated - This symbol appears on your profile if you relocate or transfer your current account progress to another Open Verification account.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Stock Admin - This flair is awarded to users who work with stock rates. They like to save and invest money/ currencies into company stocks.

:pushpin: Promotional - This flair appears on users profiles if their profile is for promotional reasons. This could be a promotion profile for another company or another online tool/ resource.

:crown: Premium Member - This flair is unlocked when you purchase Open Verification premium version. This badge can be equipped as long as you still have the premium version.

:test_tube: Beta Account - This flair appears on users accounts if the account is for testing reasons. This account has been created to test website features.

:camera: Photographer - This flair is awarded to users who are exceptional photographers. These users take pictures with high detail and high quality.

:movie_camera: Film Designer - This flair is awarded to users who work with film production. They produce, design or create films (videos, movies, television shows, visual audio).

:newspaper: Information Source - This flair is awarded to users who use their account for “news” reasons. They are a certified source for accurate information.

:books: Author - This flair is awarded to users who are authors who write digitally or publish their books on actual materials. Many other badges come with this achievement.

:soccer: Sports - This flair is awarded to users who are well known sports players. Sports include tennis, soccer, golf, karate, baseball, softball, football, hockey, basketball, pickleball and more.

:game_die: Mental Health - This flair is awarded to all Mental Health professionals. These people are trusted and can help you mentally and emotionally with your thoughts, feelings and actions.

:tv: Content Creator - This flair is awarded to all users who create important content. This badge comes with many other badges.

:video_game: Gamer - This flair is awarded to all users who play games. Gamers are people who create content publicly, play games and create communities.

:robot: Bot Account - This flair is provided to all accounts on Open Verification which are bots. These bots help the community stay organized and healthy.

:arrows_clockwise: Moderators - This flair is awarded to moderators from Open Verification. These people help keep the community safe!

Those are all the flairs, badges and symbols which you can equip to your account! Many of these badges are locked to the public and have to be rewarded to users. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, contact our team.

Snowflake (@SnowflakeForest10)

December 27th 2021

Some symbols are no longer supported and have been marked as [Not In Use] to prevent confusion.

December 29th 2021

Some symbols are no longer supported and have been marked as [Not In Use] to prevent confusion.

Some new symbols have been developed and have been added onto this list.