[Openlimpio!] StarJ3M! Free Scripting Tutorials!

About Me

Hi Their! I’m StarJ3M! I’ve been scripting for a few 5 weeks now, and I have a bit of scripting experience!


Here are some screenshots of my work!

The Bloxy, Boxing Finals! >> X -VS- Y, THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!

Scripting Tutorials

Here are some epic Tutorials!

The Bloxy, Boxing Finals! >> X -VS- Y, THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN! - Relational Operators Part 1


I am Mostly available at any time! I will post Tutorials at least Daily!


Prices? Hey Bucko DID YOU READ THE TITLE >:( !!!


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum!

Thanks For Reading B)


Im going to make a Scripting Tutorial about the thing I Showcased soon!, Its not to make the Boxing match itself, but to teach Beginner Scripters how to make it so that the System Identifies What Value Is Greater Than The Other!